Episode 80 | How to Tell if You're and Emotional Eater + What to do

You will be mind blown by this episode! Tune in to hear:

  1. Emotional Eating is not what you think

  2. How to determine if you are an emotional eater (99% of women actually are - just not in the traditional sense! AND yes I made that statistic up.)

  3. What to do if you are (if you are - this is good news because I will also share with you the very simple solution on how to stop if you want to!).

This could be the exact key you needed to unlock your weightloss!

If you want further help to stop emotional eating, I will teach you how to do this inside the Yummy Mummy Experience (my 6 month coaching and course that gets you to having lost weight for the last time) . It is first come first serve and those on the list get major priority and early access. Doors will open again in late June for the July 2022 Yummy Mummy Experience. Get on THE WAITLIST now.


Episode 81 | The Feelings Party


Episode 79 | Blood Sugar Hacks You Haven't Heard