Episode 79 | Blood Sugar Hacks You Haven't Heard

Tune in to hear the Blood Sugar Hacks You Actually Haven't Heard and WHY you might want to hack your blood sugar in the first place (clue: it makes weight loss soooo much easier!!!). GOD! I wish I had known these tips years ago - It truly would have saved me from so much suffering!

Get on THE LIST now if you know you want to apply for the next round of The Yummy Mummy Experience (my 6 month coaching and course that gets you to having lost weight for the last time) . It is first come first serve and those on the list get major priority and early access. Doors will open again in late June for the July 2022 Yummy Mummy Experience. The Link is here.


Episode 80 | How to Tell if You're and Emotional Eater + What to do


Episode 78 | Atomic Habits + Losing Weight