Episode 125 | What is the Yummy Mummy Experience?

Yummies, did you know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result?

Whether it’s keto, Weight Watchers, Ideal Protein…they’re all the same. Diet culture sucks us in and churns out the same damn results time and time again. Leaving you feeling like a failure, and like it’s just not possible for you to lose weight forever.  

Unless you work on integrating the 5 pillars of the Yummy Mummy Experience into your life, you will keep getting the same result.

So if you do want a different result, you want permanence and you want to have food freedom FOREVER, then it’s your time to come and get it. 

I’m going to talk you through the 5 key pillars of the YMX program and answer all the ‘yeah but’ questions you can possibly think of so you physically cannot talk yourself out of this any longer! Because this is literally it. This is how you will lose weight for the last time.

What is the Yummy Mummy Experience?

The YMX is a Program that is designed to get you to lose weight for the last time. This is what you’re getting when you sign up.

So if you have tried everything under the sun and nothing has worked, this is 100% for you! It is the thing that will create permanent weight loss for you. You weighing what you want to weigh once and for freakin’ all. You at your dream come true weight. 

And just think about what’s on the other side of your dream come true weight…

Is it the unapologetic confidence once you cross that line? Is it the feeling of comfort in your own skin? Waking up with nothing but zest for the day ahead rather than a shame spiral of what happened yesterday?

Stay focused on that result. Because this is the program that will give you it.

It is new, it’s different, and it’s like nothing else you have ever tried before.

How is it different?

The YMX program focuses on 5 key pillars:

  1. Balancing Hunger Hormones

It is not a diet. I am not your run-of-the-mill nutritionist or personal trainer. We don’t spend time counting macros, working out calorie deficits, or meal prepping. We balance your hunger hormones through creating a plan that suits you and means that you effortlessly lose weight. We focus on nutrient dense, hearty meals and we do NOT starve ourselves.

Most of us are operating with an imbalance in our hormones which means we’re constantly climbing a steep, steep hill, which feels impossible and unsustainable. When your hunger hormones are balanced, you are running a well oiled machine. 

This program takes you from Point A (struggling, consumed by food, wanting to throw in the towel, and not feeling good about yourself) to Point B (your dream come true weight and what that represents for you).

It’s not your fault you haven’t figured out this path yet. 

That’s why we’re here to help you!

  1. Rewiring your Brain

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change and adapt due to experience. We help your brain work for you and not against you. Because right now, it’s probably working against you. Right now your brain is performing habits that are not serving you. 

I want you to heal this once and for all, so that your brain performs habits that give you the results you want over and over and over again. And you won’t be thinking about it constantly. You’ll simply perform habits on autopilot that serve you.  It will take you from a diet brain to a Yummy Mummy mind, getting you the results that you want.

  1. Learn How to Feel Feelings

I used to be an emotional eater, but I didn’t even know! Crazy cray town, right?!

I literally thought an emotional eater was someone who ate after a stressful day. Like monstering a pint of ice cream whenever something shitty happens. 

But what I realized is that emotional eating is actually anytime you’re eating when you’re not physically hungry. Maybe you’re bored, anxious, angry, or just want to have a little fun. Emotional eating can be related to positive or negative emotions. It’s whenever you are eating without physical hunger. 

So we need to ask ourselves, is it serving me to eat for emotional reasons? Is this working out for me or do I want to heal from that? 

That’s when we learn how to feel and process through a feeling instead of eating through it. Because when we eat through it, we don't get the result we want. And it doesn't solve the feeling in the long run, it’s only temporary. 

You are not bad or wrong for eating emotionally. Our culture teaches us that food will fix feelings. But the thing is, you're already feeling uncomfortable at point A, because you’re eating to get rid of feeling a certain way. So are you willing to feel a little bit more uncomfortable by truly feeling a feeling like restlessness or anxiety in your body? Because once you can do this, you can do anything. 

The reason why we do or don't do anything is because of a feeling. Once we solve for this and learn how to fully embrace our emotions, you will have a crazy, unflappable confidence to go after your life. 

  1. Accountability

In the YMX, we have inner and outer accountability.

Inner accountability: We learn the skill of how to honor your own word. We find out how to make your own word more important than any other word out there. So many of us keep our word to our friends, our partners, and our kids, but we need to learn the skill of honoring our word to ourselves and knowing why it matters. We do a LOT of that work in the YMX.

Outer accountability: We have an amazing Slack group community which is super easy to use. This is where you pop in your ‘daily download’ every single day, which makes you feel really good and keeps you accountable externally to me and to the rest of the group.

Most importantly, you need to know you're not gonna do it perfectly straight off the beat. But I will teach you how to get back up when you fall. It doesn’t have to be ‘all or nothing’ like the diet industry tells us constantly. There is a middle path. Mistakes and failures are allowed along the way!

  1. Fun love

We have so much fun on this journey!!! This journey does not have to suck. We can enjoy it. One of the reasons you have never created permanence in your weight loss is because you never learnt to love yourself. So we’re gonna be learning the practice of unconditional self-love. You’re gonna be in your body forever, so you might as well love it and enjoy being with yourself.

Be your own best friend.

Of course, you will still want to evolve and make changes to yourself but you still have to love yourself, even when you make mistakes. Human behavior change cannot come from beating yourself up emotionally. 

If you have questions about the Yummy Mummy Experience, head over to https://lauraconley.com/work-with-me to find the answers to some of the most common questions.

Not covered? Feel free to email me at: laura@lauraconley.com if you have a burning question and I’ll get back to you.

I cracked the code to losing weight for the last time and I will not rest until I help every mama crack the code too because you deserve it. 

You are allowed to want it and you are allowed to have it. 

So let's do this, you’re literally gonna blow your own mind. 

Head over to my website and get yourself on that waitlist.

See you down the Yummy Mummy road,

Laura x


Episode 126 | A Yum Mum Panel Party


Episode 124 | 3 Remarkable Yum Mum Transformations