Episode 126 | A Yum Mum Panel Party

You know I could tell you til I'm blue in the face how freakin’ awesome the Yummy Mummy Experience is, but I want you to hear it from not one, not two, not three, but FOUR phenomenal Yum Mums who have been there, done it, and bought the T-shirt (totally need to create some Yummy Mummy merch, right?!). 

But seriously, learning from other women’s experiences and not feeling alone in this is key. So whether you’re new to the experience or have already been part of it, the words of wisdom from these Yum Mums will give you all the feels.

What can put people off signing up, is that they don’t believe it's possible. But you don’t need to believe. You’re going to learn how to believe as you’re doing it, because that itself is a skill that needs mastering. So know that yes, there will be doubt, but if you can push through it and commit to putting yourself first like these four incredible mamas, you can reap the rewards just like them.

Let’s see just how much their lives have transformed since joining the program…

Kristin C

“It created a lot of freedom and space in my life that I wasn’t expecting.”

Describe the YMX in one word: Freeing

Craziest diet ever done: In college, I took diet pills and when I got hungry, instead of eating, I smoked cigarettes!

Life before the YMX: I thought I had control over everything and could give everything and be a badass for all the people in my life, except I couldn't show up for myself. I couldn’t do it for myself. I felt weighed down emotionally and physically. I wasn't doing things to serve myself, which was coming out as anger towards others.

Life after the YMX: I don't feel like I'm failing myself anymore. I put myself first. Things I used to think are a big deal, aren't anymore.  Have more clarity for how I respond emotionally and how I show up for friends and family. 

Advice for someone struggling with their weight: You get to choose your thoughts and how you feel about yourself. You get to choose how you react to others, and to do something that serves you. You get to choose how you show up for yourself. You have the ability to respond in a way that serves you, which is pretty awesome.


“I decided to not be afraid to make that investment in myself.”

Describe the YMX in one word: Relief

Craziest diet ever done: Cabbage soup diet

Life before the YMX: Weight was the one area of my life that felt out of control. I was happy in every other aspect, but not my weight. I was walking around in this body all day feeling uncomfortable and unhappy. I suffered from a lot of inflammation, which caused a number of health issues. My ankles were so swollen, I looked like I had two sprained ankles! I also had sleep issues and was in a lot of pain.

Life after the YMX: I lost 30lbs! My ankles are skinny now!  I get to go shopping in my own closet, and feel proud of myself and in control. For an event recently, I got out a black cocktail dress that I had not worn in years. It felt wonderful and I was so excited (plus I still ate the dessert!). Life is good and I feel great. 

Advice for someone struggling with their weight: Be aware of negative self-talk, not just about body but in general. Don't be afraid to make the investment in yourself. Yes, it’s expensive but if you don't sacrifice for something, it’s not gonna be dear to you, you're not gonna care about it and you're not gonna do it.


“It’s not that I couldn’t lose weight, it’s that I didn’t know how to make it who I was.”

Describe the YMX in one word: Grounding (+ fun!)

Craziest diet I’ve ever done: Juice cleanses

Life before the YMX: I always went into every weight loss attempt thinking I would stay that weight forever, so I didn’t know how to handle it when inevitably something would happen to derail me. That turned into a spiral. The issue was not losing the weight itself, but making it part of who I was. I used to feel ashamed about how I ate, how I looked and hid it from everyone.

Life after the YMX: I gained new confidence,  and realized that mistakes are how I learn, so they don’t scare me anymore. I am a lot more honest with myself about my emotions, show myself more compassion and I’ve ditched the shame.

Advice for someone struggling with their weight: It’s not your body or you that's the problem, it’s the shame that you're feeling which is perpetuating this cycle. In the YMX, we dismantle the shame and that’s why it’s so successful. We learn not to give in to the thoughts that create shame 

Kristen K

“I realized I am in control and I’m not a victim anymore.”

Describe the YMX in one word: Mind-blowing

Craziest diet I’ve ever done: 2 months before my wedding, I ordered my wedding dress in a size too small (never do that if you’re engaged!), so for 2 months I ate nothing but turkey or ham cold cuts for lunch.

Life before the YMX: I was really good at yo-yoing, and was emotionally eating to numb everything and feel in control, especially after my husband passed away. It felt like life was happening to me, like I was in the ocean, and the waves were throwing me around, but I couldn't find my footing.

Life after the YMX: I feel in control of my life, rather than a victim of my own life. I can handle and process my emotions, and feel completely empowered. The best thing is that I’m now teaching my kids how to process emotions and do the healing work, sometimes we even do it together. My life has changed so much. My protocol feels like an anchor, and I know I just need to follow my protocol using my tools to ride the waves.

Advice for someone struggling with their weight: You don't need to do it alone.


Episode 127 | Weight Loss Fundamentals (Part 1)


Episode 125 | What is the Yummy Mummy Experience?