Episode 124 | 3 Remarkable Yum Mum Transformations

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with some incredible Yum Mums: Jenna, Courtney, and Zoe. We talked all about their astonishing transformations since joining the Yummy Mummy Experience and how they have all created results their past selves never thought were possible.

I want to share their journeys because if you have tried literally everything like these Yum Mums had, it will show you exactly why this is the answer you have been looking for. 

It is NOT too good to be true! You can have food freedom, a wild new confidence, and finally feel good in your own skin once and for freakin’ all.

Want to look unrecognizable by the end of the summer?

Read their journeys now and get inspired sugarpie!

Meet Jenna!

“It was scary for me to spend $5000. When I was talking to my husband about it, I realized he wasn’t convinced because I wasn’t convinced, so I changed that for myself because I couldn't not do it.”

Jenna lives with her husband and basset hound (her only child) in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. 

She works as a mental health therapist and has her own private practice.

Jenna is a Yum Mum and a soon-to-be Yum Mum Master!

Before YMX: 

Jenna had been trying to figure out weight loss for the past 15 years, she’s done allllll the different programs. You name it, she’s done it. From Weight Watchers, to colored containers, to keto. And they worked….until they didn’t…

Jenna was a strong and determined woman before the experience, but she also felt overwhelmed and without really realizing, was also suffering from depression. She would often wake up, linger in bed, and have little zest for the day.

After YMX: 

Jenna is still as strong and determined as ever, but on top of that, she feels happier in herself, excited for life and for the most part, wakes up energized for the day ahead. 

She has lost an incredible 42 pounds during her time in the YMX!!! 

Unbelievable work, Jenna!

How Jenna would describe the YMX in one word: 


What she would tell someone thinking about joining: 

You know more than you think. You can get unconfused about what's happening to you.

Unexpected benefits of the YMX:

How it helps so many aspects of your life aside from just weight loss, including your relationships and your professional identity. 

Meet Courtney!

“The program completely changed me”

Courtney lives in Littleton, Colorado with her 3 and a half year old daughter, husband, and dog.

She runs a global sales team in cyber security, so has a very busy professional life.

Courtney is a Yum Mum, soon-to-be Yum Mum Master, and overall badass boss babe!

Before YMX:

Courtney felt defeated by failed diet after failed diet. She’d followed strict plans where you’d count macros and calories and had also tried the colored container diet. She was obsessed with her weight and felt depressed.

She was doubtful before joining the YMX as the program did not involve counting calories, macros, and you didn’t even have to exercise. She didn’t think weight loss would be possible that way.

After YMX:

Despite not being able to join all of the calls and complete everything perfectly in the YMX due to her work commitments, Courtney still lost an amazing 18 pounds. She learnt that if you keep showing up for yourself, follow the tools and the protocol, and let go of perfection, you can make excellent progress.

She now feels motivated to show her daughter a better way to live with food, having got rid of her “diet brain” and stopped obsessing over how she looks. She feels confident in herself, wants to take pictures and is in a better mood for her family. 

How Courtney would describe the YMX in one word: 


What she would tell someone thinking about joining: 

Lean the f*ck in and just do it! You'll figure it out if you trust the process and it is so rewarding.

Unexpected benefits of the YMX:

How it made her a better wife, a better leader at work, and calmed her nervous system. She also feels more connected in her relationships. The YMX is not just about the weight loss, there is so much you can apply to your whole life.

Meet Zoe!

“My life, who I was, and the path I was on, I didn't feel like I had a ton of agency. Now I truly feel like I can do anything.”

Zoe lives in Boulder, Colorado and is mom to two boys, who are 5 and 8 years old.

She works as an interior designer.

Zoe first joined the program in 2021 and is now a Yum Mum Master!

Before YMX:

Zoe thought life was fixed, and had accepted it just wasn't turning out how she wanted or had dreamed. She thought being undisciplined and lazy was just who she was genetically and couldn’t be changed.

After YMX:

Zoe has lost an inspiring 35 pounds and has evolved a lot along the way. She has stopped drinking and is starting her own business. She is now at a place where she knows she deserves to celebrate herself, and threw the most amazing 40th birthday party which I even got to go to!!! 

After doing the program, Zoe was super excited to turn 40, because she had become the person she wanted to be, and is doing the things she wants to do, whereas a few years ago she was not excited to turn 40 at all.

Zoe has gone from being a victim of her own life, to taking charge of it and being excited for what’s to come.

How Zoe would describe the YMX in one word: 


What she would tell someone thinking about joining: 

1) It’s 100% worth it.

2) Your past and who you think you are doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you've gained and lost weight 800 times, or think you’ll never be able to resist a cookie, you can truly become anything or anyone you want to be. 

Unexpected benefits of the YMX:

It’s honestly not hard and it’s really fun.

Don’t forget that doors for The Yummy Mummy Experience open on Thursday March 30th but you can get on the waitlist for the Yummy Mummy Experience right now!!!

If you’re on the waitlist, you’ll get bonuses including early access and first dibs on a spot - so don’t miss out!

Time to go make the best decision of your life.

Have the best week ever,

Laura xo


Episode 125 | What is the Yummy Mummy Experience?


Episode 123 | Weight Loss Wisdom from a Mini Yum