Episode 123 | Weight Loss Wisdom from a Mini Yum

Mamas, let’s face it, at this point our brains are pretty scrambled when it comes to healthy eating and weight loss.

With diet and food industries feeding us constant lies to boost profits, it’s no wonder we’re left feeling confused by all the contradictory info out there. Eat fruit, avoid fruit, don’t even look at bread and don’t you dare eat after 7pm…

Like what the hell am I even meant to be doing here?! I feel you sista. It’s mind b-o-g-g-l-i-n-g. Totally cray.

But what if we could tap into the mindset of someone completely unaffected by any of that? 

Someone who can strip things right back for us and remove alllll the complications we’re faced with day in, day out?

Well mamas, you’re in luck…

I interviewed my 5 year old daughter, Luna, to share her completely untarnished views on food. As adults, I think we can feel totally lost in this crazy diet world, so this perspective is such a refreshing one to hear. She gives us her take on body love, emotional eating, and what food is to her. 

So let’s dig into the top 4 takeaways from the cutesy little interview we did together….

  1. Body Love

Luna loves her body and how she looks just the way she is. That being said, she's not overly obsessed with how she looks. She'll look in the mirror or at a picture of herself and simply be reminded of the memory. She’s not thinking she’s the most gorgeous person in the whole world, but equally she’s not focusing so much on how she looks that she’s ignoring the memory right in front of her. 

When we do body love inside the Yummy Mummy Experience, the goal is not to be overly obsessed with yourself, but to just regard yourself in a positive light and look at pictures for what they’re actually for: giving us that yummy feeling of nostalgia!

  1. The Purpose of Food 

For Luna, food is mainly fuel. She eats when she's hungry  and she stops when she's full. Pretty groundbreaking stuff, right?! I’ll never forget how she was just sat watching a movie one time, with a bowl of popcorn. She had maybe 30 kernels and then just stopped. I was totally amazed.

But sometimes we forget that is how we are designed… to eat when we're hungry and stop when we're full. And that’s gonna involve getting our hunger hormones in check and lowering our over desire (all things we work on in the Yummy Mummy Experience!)

  1. Food for Fun

Food is not the top way for Luna to have fun. Don’t get me wrong, Luna loves a treat and having a bit of cake but it's not her favorite way to have fun. It’s not the focus or the most important part of the party. It’s really easy for her to celebrate and have fun without food. 

Her Valentine’s day party was a great example of this, where there was no food and no one even noticed. To her, playing games, doing crafts, and being with friends was more important.  When you think about the real reason we have parties, it’s to celebrate people and connect with them.

  1. Emotional Eating

If you are upset or experiencing a negative emotion, the best way to solve for that is to take some deep breaths. I am by no means downplaying negative emotions, as we all know how big they can be, but eating through the feeling is not gonna solve it. 

Taking deep breaths, journaling, meditating, hugging, walking, and acknowledging how you feel are all excellent ways to help process your emotions. When you're stressed, anxious, or angry, keep in mind that you don't have to solve it with food.

It’s amazing how much we can learn from our little ones and I hope these key messages can give you some clarity in the often overwhelming world of weight loss.

That’s all for now chica.

Now go have the best freakin’ week ever!

Laura xo


Episode 124 | 3 Remarkable Yum Mum Transformations


Episode 122 | How to Make Weight Loss Your #1 Priority