Mind Reading...
You can have whatever you want as long as you are willing to let go of your stories.
And everything is a story. Stay with me.
I invite you to notice which stories (aka not facts) you might tell yourself that are keeping you from losing weight for the last time.
Here are some super common ones (this might feel like I am reading your mind!):
1. I just have big bones
2. I am addicted to sugar
3. Something is wrong with me
4. I have no will power
5. This is so unfair
6. I just don't like healthy food
7. My family is overweight so that is just the way we are made
8. I don't have time
9. It doesn't work
10. I don't know how
11. I just can't
12. I will yo-yo forever
13. I can't honor my word to myself
14. I should be farther along
15. I can't control myself
Which stories do you tell yourself? (PS it is normal to tell yourself stories!)
From there you can decide if you want to continue to tell yourself these stories.
The stories we tell ourselves become our reality. (if you tell yourself it won't work, it becomes truth, it really won't work, simply because this is what you have told yourself)
Each and every story is a choice.
Write stories that serve you.
You get write whatever you want.
You get to believe whatever you want.
And therefore? You get to create whatever you want. You get to weigh what you want.
What is a new story you want to tell? I would love to hear!
Happy Rewriting + Have the Best Day Ever,