My Fave Quote

"If you can't get out of it, get into it."

This is one of my fave quotes ever! (I first heard this quote from Gretchen Rubin but Google attributes it to a few different people!)

First, I want to be clear of course you can get out of anything, you're an adult human.

Second, once you've DECIDED on your food plan, let's pretend just for now, you can't get out of it.

If that's true, the questions becomes how can you get into it!?? How can you make it easy? Fun? Doable?

Sometimes your brain will be like "that is impossible, we can't do that"! (this is okay)

Say back to your brain "but what if we can? let's just see, let's just try, we can always go back to the old way!"

Watch your brain soften. Watch it find answers of how you can get into it.

I challenge you to come up with 20 reasons as to why and how you actually can get into it.

You have an eating plan. You can either get into it and love it. OR. You can resist it and hate it. Both options are available. Choose the one that serves you and make your brain go to work in the interest of your dreams.

Have the Best Day Ever,



Mind Reading...


The Afternoon Slumpy Poo