The Afternoon Slumpy Poo

I don't what the eff hit me but eff I am tired today.

Okay I kinda know what hit me, it was the covid bus.

I have that crazy covid fatigue that is reminding me of my corporate days where the dreaded afternoon slump would set in.

We all know the solution to the afternoon slump.

Hitting up Andrea's peanut m+m jar (true life: I am an afternoon slumper) followed by a few picks of the old bagels in the break room.

Or maybe your just so tired at home and feel like you somehow appear in your own pantry trying to decide which snack won't really "count", and then find yourself mindlessly in front of the fridge for five minutes grabbing a mozz ball and 10 cherries.

This is normal! Our brains tell us that FOOD will solve an afternoon slump. IT WILL NOT.

Here is the real solution (apply some from both lists because real solutions need bandaids and they need root cause healing):

Bandaid Solutions:
1. make a drink, bubbly water in a fun glass, bone broth, tumeric tea with a lil pop of cream, coffee with some spicy cinnamon

2. Take a nap if you can, just laying down for 10 minutes helps

3. Take a walk if you can, 7 minutes counts

4. Remind yourself that food will not make you feel better. Food is not actually the solution to feeling tired. Say this out loud if you can. Write it down if you can. Count to ten before putting anything in your mouth. Do all of this with love and silliness for yourself.

Root Cause Solutions:

1. Go to mother freaking bed earlier if you are not getting enough sleep for YOU. YOu might need 9 hours. You might. (I do!) Your future self will thank you. Just try for 15 mins earlier tonight and then 15 more, until you get enough sleep. If you have "me time syndrome" where you stay up late so you can have your me time, you are not actually giving yourself time, in the end you are robbing yourself of time, energy and your goals.

2. Get sunlight on your face right when you wake up, through the window will do! (added bonus, tell yourself today is a great day to have a great day! LETS DO THIS SELF!).

3. Go out side for like 5 minutes once a day.

(2 and 3 will help regulate circadian rhythms)

4. Eat a lunch without processed carbs and focus on protein, healthy fats and "natures" carbs. This will save you from the blood sugar spike and subsequent crash that leaves you soooo effing tired.

Cheers to using food for what it is for: physical hunger!!

Have the Best Day Ever,



My Fave Quote


Love your body: why or why not?