Love your body: why or why not?
Love is a choice. Loving your body is a choice. So why not choose love? (but like really, why not?! this actually is not a rhetorical question)
Loving your body is something you can do RIGHT NOW. There really is no better option.
Don't get me wrong, you can love your body and still want to change it. In fact, the only way to change it permanently is through the PRACTICE of loving it. AND denying your desire that you do want to change your body is the opposite of love!
It is important to note, if you have an issue with the way your body looks, take it up with your brain, not your body.
Your brain and the choices it is making is most likely what needs to be addressed (from love of course!) and it is most likely what created the way your body looks.
Your brain is just a normal human brain, there is nothing wrong with it. But you can upgrade it by choosing loving thoughts, choices and feelings.
This might look like "Okay I am taking Laura up on this, I am down. Body- I DO love you, we are choosing to actively love you now. It is like our new fun thing, I am soooo grateful to you, you allow me to FEEL pure bliss when I hold my baby, total elation when I am hiking in the woods, full connection when I am laughing with my bestie. THANK YOU! I am also working on loving the way we look! I love my booty pop and my strong arms and learning to love the rest. Our tummy is a reminder of how much we fun we have had! And we may be rewiring our brains to change it and that is okay. We might as well practice loving it now because like what it the other option?!?!"
{Insert words above that are similar but are yours - or not ha - and HAVE FUN and be silly with it!}
This is a PRACTICE!!!!!
So start here because, there is not other alternative, I can think of!
Love your body. Love the way it looks. Love being in it. Love feeling it. Love the home that it is.
Have the Best Day Ever,