You actually ARE ready
I know you want to wait til you’re ready.
But you know what? I actually looked up the definition of “READY”.
/ˈredē? adjective - in a suitable state for an activity, action, or situation
That is it.
It doesn’t say there won’t be fear or doubt or disbelief or discomfort.
All of those feelings can be there and you can still be ready.
So I want to offer that you are in fact READY.
That it IS time.
It is time that you lose weight for the last time.
There will always be a seemingly good reason (aaahhhmmm or excuse) to wait.
But you wait and then what?
When we wait we end up wasting so much time.
Time that you could have spent living your life in your dream body.
Time that could have been spent living your life with a brain that isn’t consumed with food and diet.
Time that could have been spent living your life feeling better, more energetic, more confident, more alive.
You’re ready.
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Inside you will get the exact help you need to be at your dream weight and permanently.