What to do about Overwhelm
Did you know that the feeling of overwhelm just might be the very reason you have not lost weight for the last time?
I promise you the reason you have not lost weight is not because:
-something is wrong with you or you are the only one who can’t solve this problem
For many of us the reason we can’t lose weight for the last time is because we feel overwhelmed.
Can you relate?
Well let’s ask ourselves, what do we do when we are overwhelmed?
Probably one or more of the below:
Do nothing
Eat a lot
Don't lose weight for the last time
We can see why overwhelm is such a problem if we want to lose weight for the last time.
So what to do?!
It is actually pretty simple.
Overwhelm is just a feeling and feelings come from our thoughts.
So thoughts like:
It is going to take forever
I don’t have time
I am too busy
I don’t know where to start
It is too hard and there is too much
I can’t figure this out
This isn’t the right time for this
…. All of these cause overwhelm and we know where that leads.
Wanna know the cool thing about thoughts? You get to decide what to think, what to believe, and what to focus on.
Every thought is a choice.
So my advice? Never ever ever think these thoughts again.
Choose a different thought instead. One that gets you to where you want to go.
When your brain offers these overwhelm-causing-thoughts to you (which is totally normal btw -don't be mad at your brain) I want you to playfully counter them and think thoughts that create the feeling you want to feel. Here are some suggestions:
It is one step at a time
I am doing it
Just take the next right step
For every problem, there is a solution (thanks mom for that one :))
It is working
I am learning
There is no better time, I am ready
It is a practice
I have figured out everything else, I can figure this out too
I am a fucking bad ass, I got this no matter what, no matter how many times I have tried
Because how do you feel when you think these thoughts?
Not overwhelmed that is for sure.
Maybe inspired, motivated, capable?
And when you feel those feelings you are much more likely to take the action that gets you to losing weight for the last time.
If you are picking up what I am putting down, I want to invite you to my FREE MASTERCLASS next Thursday, March 11th at 11am PT // 2pm ET.
All you have to do is reply to this message and say “I am in” (that is literally it) and I will send you the link! This is one of those super fun masterclasses where we are raffling off a $100 Lululemon gift card at the end!
Get on the waitlist for the next Yummy Mummy group. Join here.
Inside you will get the exact help you need to be at your dream weight and permanently.