Why your Weight Can't Wait...

The time is now.

Now is the time to lose weight for the last time.

This is true because:

There is just too much on the line to wait any longer.

Your LIFE is literally on the line.

At least the life you want to have.

The one where you actually want to dance around the kitchen with your kids feeling so light and alive.

The one where you just wear whatever you want and getting dressed is fun again.

The one where you are thinking about what you actually want to think about instead of what you are going to eat next or how the eff to figure this thing out.


Your brain thinks there will be a better time to lose weight and have the life you really want.

Your brain thinks that LATER is better.

Your brain even thinks that now might be too risky or dangerous.

Your brain thinks this because your brain wants to stay put. It does not want to change. It likes, okay loves, the familiar.

Your brain thinks that if you decide that you want to REALLY lose weight for the last time that you might die.

This is why it is so hard to take action to get what you really really really want.

This is why later sounds so much better.

According to your primitive brain there legit will never ever ever be a "good" time.

Your primitive brain and “hard” are not real reasons to wait.

Stop waiting.

By waiting, what you are missing out on, NOW?

Do it now. Show yourself that when you take action, you don't die, that is really isn't that bad.

If this year has taught us anything, it is that you really only live once.

When you go to your future and you see yourself looking back on your life, are you proud? Do you have regrets?

You only live once. Let’s really live. And you can’t really live with the emotional and mental weight or the extra pounds, can you?

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Inside you will get the exact help you need to be at your dream weight and permanently.


Maybe this is why you haven't lost weight...


You actually ARE ready