An Open Letter to My Daughter
I wanted to share with you a letter I wrote to my daughter! I am guessing you will be able to relate and learn from her like I get to everyday! Aren’t kids the best teachers?
Dear Luna,
Baby girl. You little love of my life.
You are so happy and free and fun and silly. You are unapologetically yourself. You love to be naked. Like, love love love to be naked. Your lack of inhibition is so beautiful and innocent and pure. You love your body in a very matter of fact, there is just no other way, kind of way. You have so much fun looking at yourself in the mirror.
You eat when you’re hungry (mostly - unless you are doing something really, really fun) and stop when you are satisfied. You think the scale in my bathroom is super fun. Food and snacks do not take up space in your brain. Food isn’t overly fun and enjoyable. Food isn’t even on the list of your top 5 priorities.
Instead you have things like snuggling and being outside and making up your own language and riding your bike and tormenting Phoenix on your list of things that are important to you.
I learn so much from you.
Thank you.
I vow to take the gratitude and love and reverence I have for you and channel it into helping you to keep this part of you strong and alive. So that you can remain YOU.
This my little baby sweetieheart daughter is my mission.
May my voice and example be volumes and volumes louder than our diet culture’s.
May you never, ever, ever count a calorie.
May I model to you what it looks like to have a healthy, loving relationship with food and my body so it is natural for you to stay you.
May you exercise and move your body because you love it and want to and it is fun and never because it is punishment.
May I be a safe haven for you to confide in when your confidence has been shaken or you are questioning yourself.
May you meet yourself in the mirror everyday with a loving smile.
May I allow the healing I have found and created with my body and food to continue to be a top priority so I pass down the legacy around food and body image to you effortlessly.
May you know your worth is never tied to the way you look. And is always intrinsically infinite.
I know I won’t do it “perfectly”, but I know I will keep showing up being the best example I can every single day.
I love you.
And to my readers, thanks for sharing in my near and dear calling in life, I hope you can take something I shared to Luna for yourself and your own growth.
Have the Best Week Ever,
PS Do you have a similar legacy you want to create but you aren’t sure how? Do you want to pass down a healthy relationship with food and your body to your children? I can teach you how. Apply to coach with me here. What if our kids were baffled by dieting? What if our grandchildren don’t even understand what a calorie is? It is totally possible.
PPS I was recently on a super fun parenting podcast called Elevate the Vibe - listen here. We talk body image, money, bribing your kids ;) and there is even a fun prize for each and every listener!
PPPS are you in my Yummy Mummy Facebook group? Our next 5 day challenge is starting July 6 on how to Stress Less // Eat Less . All the details will be inside. Join now.