Ask and you shall receive?

Do you guys have a coach or a guru or a mom or a someone who you trust unequivocally?

You believe this person like has all the answers?

I love my coach.

Most things she says resonate deeply and are often times life changing.

I would find myself asking a lot, “What would Brooke say or do in this situation as it applies to my life?” and then I would do that. And that would work out.

But then this summer I noticed some things were not working out. Nothing major or big.

It would be like a business decision here or there or a shift in priorities.

I noticed I was not “in flow”. Things felt forced. Hard.

I started to wonder why.

And then boom.

I realized I was asking for the answers for the questions that no one can answer.

No one beside me, that is.

I forgot that I am my best resource.

I am the most valuable member on my board of directors.

I simply forgot I am the one with all of the answers.

And so when I started asking myself the questions before I asked anyone else and allowing the answers to flow, I was right back into the flow vs the force.

Try it for yourself. What is something you want to know? Ask yourself. Listen. And don’t ever allow “I don’t know”. Because that is a lie.


My Husband's Critiques


I hate being pregnant