It's fun

THE YMX works because it is fun and THE YMX is fun because it works.

Historically weight loss has been:



anti social




will powery

all or nothing

And this is exactly why it does not work.

So, what does work?

It works when weight loss is fun.

That is what I teach you how to do. I teach you how to have fun WHILE you are losing weight for the last time so that your weight loss is forever.

So you have two choices from here on out:

​1. Keep trying (and failing - this was me too- YOU are not a failure - let's be clear) to lose weight in a hard, white knuckly, will powery fashion.


2. Lose weight for the Last Time while having fun.

When it is hard (choice 1) you are just waiting for it to be over. But weight loss can't ever be over. It is a practice. A forever practice.

BUT, when it is fun (choice 2) it is something you look forward to. This makes weight loss and maintenance an effortless habit you have forever.

You have tried option one already. It doesn't work. You have plenty of proof.

Choose option 2 and lose weight for the last time.

Start now. Play with the idea that it could be fun. Explore it. Let it take some time. Just for this year.

And of course you know I got you if you want help. Get on the list now because your weight and your fun life can't wait any more. It is time. Doors open in March..


WHY "it" is so hard...


dream homes + bodies...