dream homes + bodies...
Ya wanna know how we created our dream home? By loving our (then) current living situation which was a 600 sq ft apartment.
That’s literally the HOW. I promise. It wasn’t easy.
Stay with me here….
You can’t permanently create your dream body without loving your current body. It just won’t work.
I’m not suggesting you fake love it.
I’m suggesting you focus on how your body is amazing right now in this minute. I’m even suggesting you focus on how amazing the fat on your body is right now.
Did you know the fat on your body is there to protect you in case you run out of food? That’s really fucking cool.
If you have “extra” fat on your body that you no longer want, it’s good to know that your body is actually doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing.
Nothing has gone wrong with your body.
It may actually be your brain that needs some upgrading. Let’s start by gently moving into loving and accepting thoughts (this is how you upgrade your brain) about our bodies.
Be playful. Try putting fresh eyes on, ones that are not clouded by socialization and cultural ideals. Be silly. Talk to yourself like you would a baby that has fat. Laugh with yourself. This may be uncomfortable at first. Stick with it. Trust me.
Once we do that we can actually lose weight for the last time.
You just can’t hate your body thin. Trust me, I tried it. And my guess is so have you.
This is the way. This is the path forward.
Have the Best Day EVER!
PS The Yummy Mummy is sold out for now but you can get on the waitlist for the next Experience, doors open mid-March and those on the waitlist will get first priority! Link here to join.