"I don't want to be rude"....

Tell me I am not in your head….

​I am guessing you say this to yourself...

​What if my mother in law judges me?

​I don’t want to be rude.

​She might be disappointed if I say no.

​But she shows her love through food, I don’t want to reject her love.

​They are gonna think I am on another diet.


I will give it to you.

​THEY might think you are impolite or weird or lame for honoring your word to yourself and eating in a way that makes YOU feel good.

​But like, so what?

​What if we “let” them think what they want?

​What if it was totally okay for them to think what they wanted? (this whole “letting” them might be a tad uncomfortable - but that is okay too)

​Because -- are you really rude? Are you lame? Are you annoying?

​Maybe. Maybe not.

​But deep down you are a bad ass. One that stands up for what is right for you.

​You are a kind, loving, respectful human. Even if you say no thank you.

​One whom makes choices for themselves so that you can show up in your life the way you want to: confident, energetic, present and feeling like YOU.

​What if we really only cared about our own opinion of ourselves so much so that we could LET THEM BE WRONG about who we really are.

​They are going to think how they want to think anyway. We think we have so much more control over what people think of us. We don’t.

​So go honor yourself no matter what.

​“Let” them think how they want.

​And love them no matter what.

​It is your choice.

​Disappoint them OR disappoint YOU and never get what you want in terms of your health.

​People please them OR never please yourself in terms of your health.

​So, what is it?

​You got this.

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