if you only do one thing for the new year... do THIS....

My best advice for the new year?

Pick One Thing.

One Thing.

Not 4 things.

Not 27 things.

One Thing.

Pick the One Thing that you KNOW deep down is supposed to be THE ONE THING.

Don't lie to yourself and pretend you don't know the answer.

You know.

Your intuition has been telling you for a while now.

Be courageous enough to listen to YOU.

To that voice inside.

It maybe be screaming at you or it maybe be a tiny whisper.

You wanna know how you will know if it is the "right" One Thing?

It will feel scary.

You won't really wanna pick it.

You'll wanna pick the other thing.

Or the other 18 things.

Do NOT pick the other thing.

Picking the other thing will rob you of the life you are meant to have, the life you deserve.

And if you are courageous and DO pick the Right One Thing, you will end up with all of the other things.

It will feel like the other things just fall in your lap.

They will be by-products of The One Thing.

They will be like little (or big rewards) for being courageous. Promise.

I know you might not be able to see it. Trust me.

And remember courage means taking action towards your future best life ever EVEN when there is FEAR.

Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the willingness to go get your One Thing with the fear present in your body.

So pick the One Thing this year.

Just for a year.

You already tried picking 42 things.

Try it this way.

You will blow your mind.

Have the Best Day Ever,


PS... if you KNOW that your One Thing is to lose weight for the last time and be free from food forever, join the FREE, 5 day, The Last Weight Loss Challenge, Challenge now. Click here to secure your spot. Make it your One Thing and be done for the rest of your life.

Inside the Last Weight Loss Challenge you will:

  • create a plan you actually love

  • learn how to WANT to follow through on that plan

  • know what do when life happens

  • experience the power of coaching

  • have check ins + daily accountability


New Year, New You?!! OR New Year, Same You???!!?


What Matters