What Matters
My 3 year old son tackled me to the ground yesterday. Literally.
He was gleefully screaming "You're here! You're here! You're here mama!!! Mama!!!! You are here!!!" All this spattered with wet kisses and full body hugs. It was the best and it was such a good reminder, because I forget a lot.
We accidentally forget what the whole holiday thing is about.
We swap real connection for perfectly curated cookies.
We trade presence for flawlessly wrapped presents.
We replace cuddling with crazy running around the town chaos.
We sub out soaking up the fun with endless, maybe even, unnecessary to dos.
We all do it. It is okay. We're not in trouble.
It is just the conditioning we got. That we have to do all the things. And if we don't, we are bad or wrong or a not good mom.
But what makes a good mom? What makes a good holiday season?
You get to decide. Only you.
Maybe it's snow balls fights. Movie days sans phones. Doing the craft the way the kids want to do them. Playing all the board games. Making sure your own cup is full or at least isn't bone dry.
Decide now. And then do that.
The best way to remember after you decide?
Pick one word for the next two weeks and focus on it. Write it on your mirror or phone.
Mine is HERE. I am HERE.
This is what it is about for me.
But I constantly have to remind myself. Because sometimes, in the moment, I would rather scroll than read the Grinch for the 63rd time.
I know on January 2nd, I am not gonna look back and wish I scrolled, I am gonna look back and wish I had read that damn book.
It is helpful to schedule your work time now.
Your you time time now (schedule that first, mama!). Your kid/ family time now.
Your "to do" time now.
Because then it is easy to know what you are "supposed to do" during what hour.
It is a short cut to less guilt (notice I did not say no guilt! cuz like if you are mom/human you are gonna feel guilt sometimes).
Schedule it and then do it no matter what. But like for real no matter what.
Have the Best Holiday EVER,
PS Mark your calendars for January 9-13 for the FREE Last Challenge You Ever Do, CHALLENGE. You will be able to officially sign up soon!