New Year, New You?!! OR New Year, Same You???!!?

Happy YOU YEAR, yummy mummy!

Does "New Year, New You" kinda make you wanna barf a lil?

What about "New Year, Same Me"? Do you like that one better?

Personally, I am not a huge fan of either.

I like, "New Year, Yum You". ;)

A Yum You is a YOU that is On Purpose. Intentional. Living by her rules. And therefore, pretty delicious.

So what if the new year was just about BEING AND LIVING ON PURPOSE!?!? What if that is the yummy, sweet spot? What if that is where the fun and fulfillment of life lives?

Here is how to clarify your current on purposeness.... (friendly reminder: you are already a perfectly imperfect human, nothing has gone wrong so far, you are right on time, let do this one step at a time kinda vibes)

Do I like what I am creating?

Are my actions serving me?

What do I want? (psssst not what other people want for you or what our culture wants for you - what do YOU want!!!)

Am I doing this whole life thing on purpose?

What results do I have right now? Are they intentional?

Am I willing to believe I can have what I want? (you can)

Do I invest in the return I want?

Am I the one in the drivers seat here? (you ARE in charge, take it!)

Do I believe I deserve the best life ever? (PS that is a trick question - you do deserve it, it IS for you - it is a fact.)

When I am on my death bed, will I be proud? (yikes, Laura!)

Side note: pretty pleeeeeeeeease be answering these questions from pure curiosity and pure love!!!!

If you are ready for a NEW YEAR, YUM YOU,

if you are ready to finally be DONE,

ready to burst out of bed feeling so damn proud,

ready to NOT put "lose weight" on the list of goals (or just straight up ignore the fact that this is a goal/ dream!!),

ready to get real and honest with yourself,

ready to rock the romper, ready to feel so light in your body and so good in your skin,

ready to be free from the chatter about the 2nd piece of french bread you promised yourself you wouldn't eat,

ready to WANT to play with your kids on the floor,

ready to ___________________.

If you are ready for your YUM YEAR, then let's go. It is YOUR TURN. (Remember ready is a decision.)

Decide now. Then sign up for the last challenge you ever do, challenge (kudos to you if you have already signed up - feel free to send this on to a friend!) That is all it takes. I have got you the rest of the way.

Have the Best Day Ever,


PS Wanna know more about THE CHALLENGE?
Why should you sign up? Because....





Inside the Last Weight Loss Challenge you will:

  • learn how to lose weight for the last time without doing sucky sh*t (meal prep, over exercising, counting, deprivation, cancelling social life)

  • create a plan you actually love, learn how to WANT to follow through on that plan and how to never quit or even want to in the first place

  • become your own bff, trust me, its better to be your bestie than not

  • experience the power of coaching, get coached or watch others get coached

  • have check ins + daily accountability

  • have a TON OF FREAKING FUN!!!

WHEN: January 9th-13th, Everyday, M-F, at 9:30-10am PT // 12:30-1pm ET

Where: on Zoom and in our Bonus Private Pop Up Facebook Group (you do not need to be on Facebook to fully participate!). You will get the zoom link upon sign up and access to the Facebook Group on Monday, January 9th.

All you have to do:

Sign up now by clicking here, add it to you calendar and then SHOW UP.

Make it your mission to have your calendar reflect your deepest desires, your highest of priorities, the dream you will barely let yourself dream.

When you sign up and show up, this year can't let you down.



Expensive Sh*t


if you only do one thing for the new year... do THIS....