Is it even possible to love my body? THE HOW.
Do you hate on your body? Shame it? Speak unkindly to it?
Are you in just a low level disgust with your body or yourself?
It is okay. I have been there.
Do you say things like:
“It shouldn’t look like this.”
“It is not fair.”
“Ugh. Gross.”
“Why can’t it look like hers?”
“Why am I so fat?”
“Omg, that can’t actually be what I look like.”
“What is wrong with my body!”
This is what I used to say. What my clients used to say.
I was so mad at my body for not compiling. For not just looking the way I wanted it to.
But then I realized. I was mad at the wrong thing.
It was never my body that was the problem.
It was my brain.
My body was just being there.
If I was going to hate on something, I should have been hating on my brain.
My brain is the one that decided to overeat.
To overdrink.
To have the cake when I said beforehand that the cake didn’t serve me and I wasn’t going to have it.
Always my brain's fault, never my body's fault.
And when I think about it, of course my brain chose to overeat.
That is how the human brain is wired. Seek pleasure, avoid pain, seek pleasure avoid pain. That is its default wiring.
My brain has not evolved to meet me here in 2020. It thinks I am still living in a cave. It thinks it doesn't know if and when I am going to get my next meal.
So actually, my brain is actually just doing it’s job.
So now I can’t really even be mad at my brain or my body.
But what can we do?
Rewire our brains and just love our bodies.
The first step? Come up with one thought that is rooted in love for your body that you believe and think it 56 times per day (this is how you begin to rewire).
Second step? Send me a message and tell me what it is.
Last step? This whole rewiring your brain and truly loving your body is the NEW solution to permanent weight loss. This is the only thing I found that works for losing weight for the last time. (and trust me I have tried everything). You have to give yourself a chance at this. Apply to coach with me here.
Have the Best Week Ever,
PS are you in my Yummy Mummy Facebook group? Our next challenge is starting July 6 on how to Stress Less. All the details will be inside. Join now.