Happy International Women's Day, you FIERCE FUCKING woman you!!! RAWR!!!
Here are some things about Women:
1. We are fucking cool.
Have you thought about that? Seriously.
Take a second admire you womanhood. I am SERIOUS!!!
Do you admire other cool things in nature? YES! You do!
The flowers, the dolphins, the sky, the ocean, the sunset! If those cool nature-y things get your admiration, then you deserve your own! Take a second, be in awe.
2. What woman in your life are you jealous of? Oh come on. Tell me.
Okay fine don't. But admit it to yourself - trust me it will be worth it.
THEN can you turn it into possibility?
That is all jealously or envy is, it is a lil signal that we want that too.
You CAN have that too if you want to. Let that woman be an inspiration to you.
If she can have it, so can you. Isn't that way more fun? Doesn't that feel way better in your body?
3. It is time to go on a retreat for yourSelf. A retreat with other women, for connection, laughter, time for freaking YOU, you deserve it. Maybe the YMX: IRL free the moms RETREAT. Learn more and sign up here.
4. I see a lot of "I made a promise to myself to not speak negatively about my body in front of my daughter", okay it is a good start. BUT we wouldn't even have to make that promise if we just LOVED ourselves in the first place.
AND our daughters can see right through our bs lip service any mahousier. Our daughters and sons are freaking smart.
They know how we feel about ourselves.
Would you ever make a promise to yourself to not talk bad about your BFF?
NO you wouldn't, because you just love her in the first place. What a concept.
The way we create a badass next gen of confident, fierce women is by BEING them now.
Not perfectly, but messy and falling and loving ourselves through it.
So don't vow to talk nicely about your body, vow to love yourself. Root work my dear babe friends.
5. Go tell one woman in your life she is so freaking neato and why. Dare you. Boo ya!
What one was your fave? Hit reply and tell me!
Have the Best Day Ever,
PS the most womanly thing you can do is become more of who you already are, to follow the desires you have inside. If you desire to lose weight for the last time, be free from food forever, love yourself once and for freaking all and pass all of it down to your kids, get on the waitlist for The Yummy Mummy Experience. This is THE program for the girl who has tried it all. It is the one stop shop. We do it all inside: hormones, mindset, emotions, accountability, fun AND WE LOSE WEIGHT FOR THE LAST DAMN FREAKING TIME; GUARANTEED.