Why Gratitude is Key is you want to lose weight...
I am gonna be brutally honest here.
I just wanted to be skinny.
I didn’t give a flying f*ck about loving my body.
I mean it all sounded nice, but like, who cares.
If I could just be skinny, I would love my body when I got there, so why spend my energy loving on it now?
Obviously my energy would be way better spent figuring out the secret code to losing weight.
I never imagined that one of the ways to actually losing weight for the last time would be to LOVE MY BODY. To be grateful for it, just as it is, right now.
You have to LOVE YOUR BODY THIN. It is the only way. (trust me, I tried the other like 44x)
I remember thinking, “love my body? Ahhhh, okay. That is going to feel super fake, that is going to be totally inauthentic, because I actually don’t like it.”
You want to know the gateway drug into loving your body? Gratitude. Everyone can do it. You really can find one thing. Think you can’t? I bet you could if I offered you $10,000?!?!
Here is what you do:
Pick just one THING you can be grateful for on or in your body and state it. Then say WHY you are grateful. FEEL the vibration in your body as you do this (if your brain argues or peanut galleries - that is okay - stay with it).
I am grateful to my body because it lets me feel love for my kids. I am grateful to my legs because they allow me to chase my kids through the hiking trails. I am grateful to my fat rolls because they remind just how much fun I have had with my friends. (yes, these are all actual things I would say and do say!)
Say your THING to yourself and/or write it down everyday for 30 days. Feel free to riff around with it. Add more things, say your WHY in greater detail, you get the idea. And don’t forget to FEEL the vibration you create. Don’t just do this for the sake of doing it, people!
Just get curious about your response to this, be open to this working, if you hate it, you can go back to hating or ignoring or living “neck up” by Christmas.
The more gratitude and love you feel for your body the easier it is to treat it and YOU that way - with love and with grace .
The easier it is to honor your word to yourself and do what you say you are going to.
The easier it is to have courage and confidence.
The easier it is to lose weight for the last time.
Have the Best Week Ever + Happy Happy Thanksgiving,
PS Wanna win FREE shit and change your life? ummm, sign me up! The Yummy Mummy Podcast, Lose Weight for the Last Time with Laura Conley! IS HERE! You are going to LOVE it! This week we talk all about DISCOMFORT and which kind you actually WANT!
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Who: you and other seriously cool people
What: Free Coaching on Weight Loss or anything remotely related!
Where: inside my facebook group-- join here now.
When: Every Wednesday (pop it into your calendar now babe!) at 11 am PT // 12pm MT // 1pm CT // 2pm ET
Why: Because you want to lose weight for the last time, you have tried everything and nothing works AND you are curious as to what the HECK this coaching thing is anyway!