December is the New January!
You guys! It is December! I love a new month!
But, here is the best part.
December is the new January.
It’s true.
Which means it is actually 2021! Woooo Hooo!
But in all seriousness, I really want to offer you this…
If December is the new January, what does that actually mean?
It means:
A fresh start.
The ability to do what you want to do NOW. (feel better, lose the weight!)
Waking up excited to take on the day.
The belief that you can do it.
Playing with your kids with ease.
It means no more waiting.
No more “closet crazies” (have you heard of this? It is where you battle your closet every morning because there is “nothing to wear” and the plethora of negative emotions that follow that!)
No more self sabotage.
It means loving and enjoying your life so much! You deserve that, by the way.
No more feeling heavy (not just physically).
No more not wanting to go to the pool with your daughter or the christmas party with new friends.
It means possibility.
It really can mean that this is the last time you lose weight. This is the last time you START.
It means you finish 2020 strong and IN CONTROL.
Now stop.
Why not create what you want for yourself, now? Seriously, why not? Is that really a good reason? Do you like that reason?
Hey, if you can start losing weight for the last time in a pandemic, during the holidays and insert other ridiculously crazy circumstance (which you can btw!), it means you can quite literally DO ANYTHING you want to.
My clients are already doing it.
They are all losing weight for the last time, during this time.
This is available to you too. How cool is that?
If you do it now, you will create the kind of confidence that will get you to achieve anything.
Yes, your weight loss, but so much more.
You dream job.
Your dream home.
Your dream dude.
Your dream you-name-it.
Is it day one or one day?
You get to decide.
If you want to start now here are your steps:
Book your consult here. It will be fun, super informative, I will teach you one NEW thing you can do to lose weight now. (just think - in just a few days, you will already be down a few pounds!)
I will tell you on the consult how to sign up to work with me for the long term and lose weight for the last time (btw I guarantee this result!). This is a NO OBLIGATION CALL!
Start implementing what I teach in my facebook group (join here) and on my podcast (listen here). Just pick one thing for December and GO. It doesn’t have to be perfect, you just have to keep going.
Aren’t you excited? You should be!
2021 will be the very last year you put “Lose 32 pounds” on your list of resolutions. And by Januray 1, 2021 you will already be well on your way as long as you take the easy steps above!
I know I am super excited for you!
Have the Best Week Ever,