Episode 74 | How to Talk to Your Kids about Their Bodies

Tune in to get bite sized tips and tricks on how to handle body image and body love with your kids!

It can feel like such a heavy subject but It is not as hard as we think! There are little things we can do to help our kids KEEP loving themSelves and their bodies. AND helping them to do this might just be the BEST gift we can give them. Happy Listening!

The Yummy Mummy Experience (my 6 month coaching and course that gets you to having lost weight for the last time) is SOLD OUT. BUT, get on the waitlist now if you know you want to apply for the next round. It is first come first serve and those on the list get major priority and early access.

Doors will open again in late June for the July 2022 Yummy Mummy Experience.


Episode 75 | The Cheat Meal


Episode 73 | How to Talk to Your Kids about Food