Episode 57 | Client Success Story: Kelsey + is it easy

Listen in for a breath of fresh air and possibility! Hearing Kelsey's story will give you just that! Her story is like so many of our stories! She shares HOW she lost nearly 30 pounds and for the last time even though she wasn't sure she could really do it for the LAST TIME!

The best part is she shares that this was WAY easier than any of the diets she had done in the past. AND that is huge because her now retired superpower was that she was the best dieter ever.

She also gives us insight into why removing the food chatter, the yo-yoing, and the getting dressed drama can really be the path to finding your calling and what you are really meant to do. How fun that Kelsey lost weight for the last time and found her calling?!!

Applications are officially open for The Yummy Mummy Experience: my 6 month group coaching and course that guarantees you lose weight for the last time. If you are eager to apply and get going on your easy-peasy application (it is just a few questions and a consult call) so you can lose weight for the last freaking time, you can do so by clicking here now.

The consult call is FUN and important so that we can get to know each other, I can explain everything and you can ask me anything. We want this to be the right fit for both of us.It is first come, first serve, so you are gonna want to click above to be sure you get a spot.

If it is possible for me and all of my clients, it is possible for you too. You are NOT a special unicorn.

Stop it with the "yeah, but....".
Everyone (literally every single one of my clients) thinks that they are a super super super special unicorn that can't possibly do this. But then they borrow my belief in them. And then they do it. Every time.

I believe in you.

Let's f*cking go.

I can't wait to see you at your dream come true weight.


Episode 58 | Holiday Survival Guide: Part 3


Episode 56 | BFF Zoe M + You Can Eat Pizza