Episode 199| How to Stop Gaining and Losing the Same 4 Pounds


The frustration of gaining and losing the same four pounds is a special kind of hell. You just want to weigh what you want and feel good in your skin, but you can’t seem to land in that place. It’s always just out of reach. You start to wonder why it seems like your body is failing you.

It’s the worst. I know, I’ve been there.

First thing I want you to understand is that this isn’t your fault. We’ve only been taught to gain and lose the same damn four pounds, so of course that’s the only result we see. That’s what diet culture has to offer us.

The Yummy Mummy method is different. In my program, you get a plan. And before you cringe, no, a plan is not just another word for ‘diet’. Plans are the complete opposite. They’re spacious, easeful, and doable, and it’s how Yum Mums are able to stick to them until they get the results they want. 

Why? Because we back each Yum Mum’s plan up with psychology and science. Even if you’re not a planner, never been a planner, hate what the word conjures in your mind, I GOT YOU, boo. You let me figure out the plan and you just experience the benefits. 

Tune into this episode and you’ll learn:

  • The two reasons why you gain and lose the same four pounds

  • Why a custom Yum Mum plan works and diet culture doesn’t

  • How to make a weight loss plan you’re not a slave to

  • How to break the over-restricting > overeating cycle

  • Easeful ways to use mindset hacks for success instead of white-knuckling it

Weighing what you want to weigh is a skill, which means it’s something you can learn. The School of Skinny (my 5-day weight loss challenge) is IN SESSION September 9th-13th but just like any other school, you have to enroll! You can do that at lauraconley.com/school and walk away with a black and white weight loss plan you know you’ll follow.


Episode 200 | An Interview with a Skeptical Yummy Mummy


Episode 198 | How to be a Skinny Mom (Pt. II)