Episode 197 | How to be a Skinny Mom


If you ever wondered what to do to start feeling better about yourself and your body image as a mom, today is your lucky day. I’m going to take you through each and every how of being a mom who feels good in her skin.

We’re talking about how to be a hot mom, how to be a skinny mom, a sexy mom, a mom who feels confident in their clothes, light, and alive. 

And what that REALLY boils down to is how to stop being stressed.

Because it’s stressful being a mom and/or woman in this world. And stress-eating is a huge way we soothe ourselves. Even if you’re someone who’s thinking, “No, not me. I don’t overeat when I’m stressed,” trust me, you probably do. Stress-eating is freakin’ sneaky.

You have a really stressful day, you come home and snap at your husband, and then you dive into the chocolate-covered, peanut butter-stuffed pretzels without connecting the two. 

That’s what I used to do. It’s what SO many of my clients used to do. 

To make the connection, you need the right tools, and that’s what I want to talk about today. Using the right tools, you can uncover WHY you’re stress-eating in the first place, and then make changes so you can weigh what you want. Finally.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to get in front of the stress you feel

  • Helpful stress management tools (because human life is stressful regardless)

  • What to do with difficult feelings instead of eat

  • Super-simple, effective mindset tweaks

Weighing what you want to weigh is a skill, which means it’s something you can learn. The School of Skinny (my 5-day weight loss challenge) is IN SESSION September 9th-13th but just like any other school, you have to enroll! You can do that at lauraconley.com/school and walk away with a black and white weight loss plan you know you’ll follow.


Episode 198 | How to be a Skinny Mom (Pt. II)


Episode 196 | You Are Not A Special Unicorn: You CAN Lose Weight