Episode 196 | You Are Not A Special Unicorn: You CAN Lose Weight


Today’s episode is me sharing my personal story of losing weight for the last time. I think it’s really important to be open and transparent about that process, especially because I (like MANY of us and many of my clients) thought I was a special unicorn. 

Meaning, I thought I was so uniquely screwed up that I couldn’t lose weight. Other people could, but not me. 

Now, obviously, babes… that’s not how the story ended. So I want to tell you more about that journey so you can see that I wasn’t a specially flawed unicorn, and neither are you!

Because in all honesty, I had accepted defeat. I thought, “This is just going to be the thing that I struggle with forever.”

I never believed that I could just weigh what I wanted and have a healthy relationship with food and my body. 

As far as struggles went, I thought it really wasn’t that bad. Until it was. It became unacceptable, and I knew I had to do something that would change my relationship with myself for the better.

So, today I’m sharing the exact lightbulb moment that changed everything, and how it came to be that I was able to show up as the person I wanted to be and create a new way of relating to my body. 

Because I wasn’t a special unicorn, that means this isn’t JUST limited to me! I have full confidence (and evidence in past client experiences) that this can work for you, too.

And listen, mama: my calendar is open for free 30-minute coffee chats! Get your booty on a call with me here and you can ask me all your weight loss questions, plus get some tools you can start implementing to lose weight right away. I’ll also answer anything you’ve been wondering about Yummy Mummy Experience to help you figure out if you’re a good match for the program. I can’t wait to connect!


Episode 197 | How to be a Skinny Mom


The Best Of Series | How to Lose Weight Without Doing Horrible Things