Episode 187 | How to Maintain Your Sense of Self as a Mom with Sarah Ezrin


Babes, you’re going to love today’s guest. We knew each other back in the day teaching yoga in LA, and today we share the goal of using our motherhood to help other moms. 

Sarah Ezrin joined me on this episode, and we touched on the massive topic of maintaining a sense of SELF as a mother. 

Author of The Yoga of Parenting and contributing writer to Yoga Journal, Well + Good, Motherly, and Healthline, Sarah has been teaching mindful movement for over 16 years. She’s also an advocate for maternal mental health AND a trained pelvic health specialist. 

How’s THAT for a resume? You can see why I had to have her on so she could share just a little bit of her knowledge and expertise with us!

After having her first son in December 2019 (right before the c*vid shutdowns), Sarah found it difficult to get still enough to practice yoga. So she dove into the study of parenting, discovered the concept of mindful parenting, and adapted it into a yoga study (which is now her book) that uses the body as a gateway for self-healing and showing up as the best parent possible. 


Listen in and hear more about:

  • Sneak peeks of Sarah’s parenting book, including concepts like balance and freedom

  • The compound effect of the pressure moms feel to be perfect

  • How Type A moms can get free of checking the boxes and actually enjoy life

  • What it means to practice non-attachment and how Yummy Mummy teaches it

And listen up, buttercup: there's still time to get in my FREE 5-day weight loss challenge June 10th - June 14th called The Summer of Me! Get your booty over to check out all the details here because there’s still time for you to have your best summer yet. In this challenge, you’ll find YOUR perfect weight loss plan, access to open Q&A coaching, and the confidence to create your official hot girl summer. Make this the summer it finally gets done!


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