Episode 186 | The Summer of Me


For SO many of us, our weight is in the way of us living our best lives. I mean, the whole point of life is to have fun, connect with our freaking people, and to love the experience. Of course, that doesn’t mean there aren’t challenges along the way. 

But in this moment, I think it really comes down to this…

What kind of summer do you want to have this year? 

It’s summer right now, and you don’t weigh what you want to weigh. You might feel like you want to procrastinate losing weight til the fall, but in the meantime you’re hiding from all the family photos because you’re so uncomfortable with how you look on vacation or in the pool. 

It might even feel inevitable: the disappointment that summer has come around again and you still don’t feel how you want to feel in your body.

But what if instead you had a summer where you felt lit the F up from the inside out?

What if you declared it The Summer of Me and dedicated your summer to something meaningful? To reconnecting with yourself and your life, your people, and getting to a place where your mind is finally free because your weight is NOT a problem anymore. 

Babe, it’s totally doable for you. That’s exactly what I want to help you with in the Yummy Mummy Experience, so listen to this episode and find out:

  • Why it matters to take meaningful action about your weight now, not later

  • How to use intentional decision-making to live on purpose

  • The importance of asking yourself really good questions

  • How to better understand who you want to be AND how you want to feel

And, listen up, buttercup: I’m hosting a FREE 5-day weight loss challenge June 10th - June 14th called The Summer of Me! Get your booty over to check out all the details here because there’s still time for you to have your best summer yet! In this challenge, you’ll find YOUR perfect weight loss plan, access to open Q&A coaching, and the confidence to create your official hot girl summer. Make this the summer it finally gets done!


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