Episode 184 | What To Do If You Had a Not-So-Great Mother’s Day


The Yummy Mummy Experience is a movement, and this movement is about freeing the moms (and ALL the women) from the societal traps we unknowingly fall into.

The trap of diet culture. The trap of expectations.

I mean, Mother’s Day could basically have a second title as The Day of Unmet Expectations. SO MANY moms I know and coach kept their fingers crossed all day that this would be the year their family finally “got it right” only to reach the end of Mother’s Day and just feel meh. 

“That’s it?”

And like, how do those expectations make you feel, really? My own high expectations caused so many negative unintentional emotions that I didn’t like. I had so many unmet expectations of people and situations that I was constantly disappointed. It really did NOT serve me.

For a lot of us, feeling really crappy triggers us to do some emotional overeating, right? Nothing soothes disappointment quite like comfort food. We can keep our resentment tamped down (or so we think) by distracting ourselves from that awful feeling with something delicious.

If Mother’s Day felt like an utter failure, you might feel like you deserve some (ahem, a lot of) leftover Reese’s eggs as a reward for putting up with it all. 

Want to finally break that yearly cycle?

Listen in and you’ll hear more about:

  • Practical steps to handle unmet expectations

  • Writing a letter of appreciation to yourself

  • What it means to hold space for disappointment and how to do it

And listen, mama: my calendar is still open for free 30-minute coffee chats! Get your booty on a call with me here and you can ask me all your weight loss questions, plus get some tools you can start implementing to lose weight right away. I’ll also answer anything you’ve been wondering about Yummy Mummy Experience to help you figure out if you’re a good match for the program. I can’t wait to connect!


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