Episode 169 | Real-Time Life Coaching for Weight Loss

SUPER fun conversation to share with you today because new Yum Mum, Kitsy, joined me to get coached! 

I sent an email out to my list (if you’re not on it yet, get on it - lauraconley.com) offering to coach one special client for this episode and Kitsy was a taker. You’re going to love our chat.

Living in Seattle, Kitsy isn’t your run-of-the-mill Yum Mum because she’s actually a great-grand-mum. At 79, she says she’s entering the best phase of her life yet, except for this one ongoing struggle…

Her weight. Specifically, hitting a plateau in her weight loss.

I can almost hear all the heads nodding along on that one! 

Like so many of us, Kitsy played the diet yo-yo game for years, losing lots of weight at a time only to gain it back, plus more. As a new member of the Yummy Mummy Experience, she’s been implementing what she’s learned so far, but what gives with the plateau?

That’s exactly what we’re going to dig into. 

In this episode, I asked Kitsy all about her current lifestyle and food protocol, then took all the nuances and specifics to give her personalized, one-on-one insights just for her. And the best part is, you get a real taste of what it’s like to be part of YMX and how it can work for you, too!

Listen in and you’ll hear more about:

  • Kitsy’s compelling why for weight loss that keeps her focused and committed

  • Whether you should expect a weight loss plateau

  • The only two reasons you’re not losing weight

  • The full rundown of Kitsy’s protocol and my specific recommendations for her

AND, if you didn’t sign up in time for the January Yummy Mummy Experience, NO WORRIES. Just get on the waitlist for the April 2024 YMX cohort!


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