Episode 150 | The Real Reason You Can’t Lose Weight

Have you ever been misdiagnosed? And then because the diagnosis was incorrect, you applied the incorrect solution?

This is literally what’s happening to us when it comes to weight loss and our relationship with food. What we think is the problem is not the *actual* problem. And so we’re throwing completely the wrong solutions at it!

If you are anything like I was, you are just searching and searching for the right answer. Even if you do lose weight, it doesn’t feel as amazing as it should because you're just so nervous about gaining it back. It’s like this dark diet ghost hiding in your closet ready to spook you. So today, I’m going to share the 5 key elements of what the actual problem is so that you can finally find that AHA moment you've been looking for.

Take a sneak peek at the episode:

  • The influence of culture on your "diet brain" 

  • Why you have an overdesire for food

  • How emotional eating impacts weight loss

  • The power of real accountability

  • The role of balanced hunger hormones

Want to start treating the RIGHT problem?

Come into the School of Skinny if you're not already there. It’s FREE and it’s running from September 26th - September 28th - you can sign up right here!

And get your booty over to the Yummy Mummy Experience so you can stop spending any more time or energy on this problem. Our next cohort starts in October. Enroll today!


Episode 151 | How To Actually Lose Weight For The Last Time


Episode 149 | Why You Are Freakin' Worth It