Episode 147 | No Sugar, No Flour: The Best Kept Secret to Weight Loss

OK let’s be super crystal clear here–the Yummy Mummy Experience is NOT a diet in disguise! I do not prescribe anything to my clients because human nature means we’ll just rebel. And we’ve been there before with prescribed diet rules anyway–remember how that worked out?

But when I was losing weight for the last time, I was doing mostly no sugar, no flour. And let me tell you, it was an absolute game changer! So in today’s episode, I’m telling you all about why this has such a crazy impact on your weight loss and why this is something I recommend to my clients (in a way that’s customized and sustainable for them).

It is by no means a one-size-fits-all approach. YOU have the freedom to define what "no sugar, no flour" means for you, and align it with your goals and preferences. Tune in now to find out more about what I think has to be one of THE best kept secrets to losing weight for the last time!

P.S. If you want your free listener only gift, go to lauraconley.com/gift to access the three best ever weight loss hacks. So cool!

You’ll also want to make sure you check out my Facebook group: The Yummy Mummy: weigh your dream weight, end body drama + get food freedom

And get this in your diaries now mamas! The next Yummy Mummy Experience is starting October 24th. Find out more about the program here.


Episode 148 | Back to School (of Skinny!)


Episode 146 | Witness the True Power of Weight Loss Coaching