Episode 109 | Ask a Yum Mum Alum!

You are going to LOVE this episode! Inside you will hear answers to YOUR burning questions, the best part is I am not doing the answering! You will hear from 4 of the Yummiest Yum Mum Alums who are even more skilled at dropping wisdom and possibility because they are recent products of the product! They have just been in your shoes. They will show you, you really can lose weight for the last time, too!

Also, guess what! The wait is OVER!

Applications are officially open for early access for The January Yummy Mummy Experience: my 6 month group coaching and course that guarantees you lose weight for the last time!

You can apply here!

If you are eager to apply and get going on your easy-peasy application so you can lose weight for the last freaking time, you can do so now.​

If you are nervous, scared, excited or somewhere in between, that is NORMAL. That fear just comes from you not believing that you really can lose weight for the last time. You can.

You must borrow my belief in you that you can do this. What does that even mean? This means that you think about yourself the way I think about you. Which is, YOU CAN DO THIS.

The Experience works for every human. I will not accept you into the program unless I know we can cross that "I lost weight for the last time" finish line.

No one applies fully believing they can really do this. But they don't use their lack of belief to stop them. They apply any way.

And then they get in. And then they lose weight for the last time. Simple as that.

It is first come, first serve, so you are gonna want to apply now here to be sure you get a spot. Doors close on December 16th.

If it is possible for me and all of my clients to lose weight for the last time, it is possible for you too. You are NOT a special unicorn. Seriously... stop it with the "yeah, but....".

Everyone (literally every single one of my clients) thinks that they are a super super super special unicorn that can't possibly do this. And then they do. Let's go, learn more and apply here.


Episode 110 | How to Thrive Through the Holidays


Episode 108 | Boundaries + Weight Loss