Featured Podcasts
Episode 207 | Why We’re Boredom Eaters and How to Stop

Hey, friends! I am SO excited to be here in my “bougie” Halloween tee – it’s a ghost with a Stanley mug and fanny pack – the works!
In today’s episode, we’re tackling the ultimate roadblock for so many of us: boredom eating (or as I like to call it, pantry pacing). Whether it’s boredom, procrastination, or just plain habit, we're diving into why we eat out of boredom and the best strategies to break free.
Do you ever find yourself randomly fridge-gazing in the middle of the day? I totally get it! We’ll explore how to spot those cues and the differences between actual hunger and "I’d rather be eating than tackling my to-do list."
Plus, as a special treat, I reached out to my Yummy Mummy program clients to share their “before” stories as boredom eaters and their “after” success stories! We’ll get into their tips about how they curb boredom without derailing their goals – and you can, too.
And hey… sometimes boredom eating is just procrastination in a really good costume. So I’m sharing about tools and tricks to stop putting things off – whether it’s a snack or that 8-minute task that’s been haunting you for weeks.
Check out today’s episode to hear all about how to:
Get honest with yourself about whether you’re eating for fuel or as a mental break, and explore other ways to recharge
Find healthier "band-aid" alternatives to curb unnecessary snacking while working on deeper hunger awareness
Shift your entertainment focus from food to fulfilling social connections or creative hobbies
Establish a clear daily schedule that prioritizes rest and pleasure first, reducing the urge to snack from stress or fatigue
Oh and mama, here’s one last thing: if you’re ready to explore the mindset work that goes into creating weight loss that lasts, let’s have a chat. My calendar is open for a call where you can ask any and all questions you want about the Yummy Mummy Experience. So get your booty over to my scheduler now to book a free consultation call with me and see if this program is your next right step!