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Laura Conley Laura Conley

Episode 206 | All Things Ozempic


Hey, lovely! This episode, we’re diving headfirst into the big, juicy topic that everyone seems to be whispering about lately: Ozempic, GLP-1s, and weight loss meds. 

You’ve probably heard about Ozempic everywhere — at happy hours, in friend circles, maybe even in your own conversations. If you’ve been curious about whether these meds are a miracle fix or just another trend, spoiler: It's not a "yes" or "no" answer!

And if you’re anything like me, you want a clear perspective and space to form your own thoughts about it, right?

So let’s talk about it. Like any tool, it has its pros and cons. You might have heard it being called a “magic pill,” but the truth is, these meds can be helpful for some and tricky for others. They’re not a root solution, and pairing them with lifestyle work like what I teach in the Yummy Mummy Experience is key.

My hope is that by the end of this episode, you’ll have a fresh perspective on whether this path resonates with you or not. Finding true confidence and self-love comes with a reminder: there’s no “right” path, just the one that brings you closer to living as your best self. You deserve to weigh what feels right for you — with or without meds.

Tune in to hear more about:

  • My stance on Ozempic and weight loss meds

  • Why healing emotionally is crucial to lasting weight loss

  • Tools that can help you create deep healing and build emotional resilience

  • The importance of dropping guilt, judgment, or shame whether you use weight loss medications or not

  • Stories of clients who tried Ozempic but ultimately chose lifestyle change as their main strategy

And mama, here’s one last thing: if you’re ready to explore the mindset work that goes into creating weight loss that lasts, let’s have a chat. My calendar is open for a call where you can ask any and all questions you want about the Yummy Mummy Experience. So get your booty over to my scheduler now to book a free consultation call with me and see if this program is your next right step!

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