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Laura Conley Laura Conley

Episode 205 | Counting Calories Won’t Get You to Your Happy Weight...But This Will


In this episode, I’m chatting with my good friend Jenny J, the founder and CEO of EmpowerU. Jenny and I go way back (thank you, Nike!), and it was so fun to reconnect and dive into the real reasons many of us struggle to lose weight and keep it off. 

Jenny is on a mission to free women (especially moms) from the prison of diet culture, and today, she’s sharing her personal story and what she’s learned along the way.

Jenny opens up about her own personal journey with yo-yo dieting, trying to "bounce back" after having her daughter, and the moment that shifted everything for her. She was done with the food drama and figured out a way to reach her happy weight without starving herself or obsessing over food. And trust me, if she can do it, so can you!

This episode is all about breaking free from diet culture, and I truly hope it helps you feel empowered to take control of your own relationship with food and your body. I can't wait for you to hear it!

Listen in to hear more about:

  • Our culture’s obsession with food and how it contributes to emotional eating

  • How many of us don’t even realize we’re emotionally eating (and how to break the cycle!)

  • What mindset actually means when it comes to weight loss and how you can start applying it in your own life

  • What hunger hormones are and why balancing them is essential for weight loss

Bottom line is, you can leave diet culture behind AND create a healthy legacy for your family.

And by the way, mama: if you were ready to ditch calorie-counting, like, yesterday, let’s have a chat. My calendar is open for a call where you can ask any and all questions you want about the Yummy Mummy Experience. Get your booty over to my scheduler now to book a free consultation call with me to see if this program is your next right step!

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