Your Brain's Job
Your brain’s job is to get you to eat as much food as possible, as often as possible.
Your brain literally does not understand food is readily available.
Your brain thinks we still live in caves and have to hunt and gather and weather the winter.
Your brain is going to exhaust all options to get you to eat as much food as possible. It is going to get clever with you. Try to trick you.
It’s going to come up with extremely compelling reasons as to why you should definitely have seconds or to why you have to have the pastry omg it’s so special and of course you can’t say no what will they think.
Your brain’s job is to get you to literally stuff your face. It’s a survival tactic. Only it’s 2021 we are surviving just fine. And actually we could totally thrive if we could just notice what our brain is doing and politely say no thank you to the second handful of bean chips.
Be in charge of your brain and your eating so you can live the life you want.
The brain is a powerful servant but a horrible master. You on the other hand a powerful master.
Be the master.
If you are ready to work together and lose weight for the last time, click here and get your cute booty on the waitlist for our January YMX, doors open in December!