Happy Spring!

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished" Lao Tzu

Spring has sprung!

Which, if you wanna get woo, means we gotta plant those metaphorical seeds.

BUT. I want you to pick ONE SEED.

Your brain will want to pick like 14 seeds. But when we pick 14 seeds nothing blossoms to its fullest potential.

One seed. One. One. ooooonnnnneeeee.

Pick the seed that you know will bring you the biggest, most satisfying blossom.

Plant the seed of losing weight for the last time, if you know that is what you really want, deep down.

And then let it be just like nature.

It may be a little dirty.

You will have to water your seed.

Give it some light.

Sing to it. ;)

Let it takes the time it takes.

It will be so worth it.

By autumn you will have a beautiful harvest that you are just SO DAMN PROUD OF.

READ: you will be at your dream come true weight, feeling like yourself again. Confident, light, alive and radiant.


Your Future Self is Calling....


Girl Brush Your Brain!!!