We're having a......
We’re having a……
I was so shocked!!!
My brain thought I was 100% having a girl.
I just pictured I would have another Luna.
And then boom, there is a little baby penis swimming inside me.
I so could not wrap my head around a BOY BABY.
So I began polling all my boy mom friends.
What is it like to have a boy baby? Why is it so awesome? Like can you prove to me it is awesome? I was skeptical. Like how can it be as good as Luna!!!?!?!
Deep down I wanted my boy mom friends to CONVINCE me it was going to be as good as my girl baby.
After about the 18th mom and without any true satisfaction - despite my boy mom friends having really compelling reasons as to why boys are the best - I just realized babies are the best.
Human babies are the best.
And they are the best because they are one of a kind and unique and perfect just the way they are - boy or girl.
And even though I tried to find the answer, no one can tell me what this new relationship will be like because it will be like none other - it too will be one of a kind and unique and perfect.
So I am allowing myself to just be in the mystery of it all and it is soooo much more fun this way. I get to be curious and open and receptive.
And I’ve started to notice we can do this with anything in the future. We can just be fascinated by the mystery of it.
My guess is THIS way of thinking is exactly what will make the future things - whether they are boy babies or new jobs or boyfriends or whatever - even better than we could have imagined!
Have the Best Week Ever,
P.S. Aren’t my friends the best? They are literally so excited, it makes me cry every time I watch this video!!