9 months in, 9 Months out
My baby is 9 months old today!! Woooo hoooo!!!
What comes to your mind when you think of the rule that society offers that “it should take 9 months to lose the baby weight, like this should be more than enough time to get it done”?
Here is what comes to my mind divided up into two categories, I bet you can relate even if you didn’t just have a baby!!:
Category 1: this is OLD ME, whose brain was conditioned by our culture:
“It has been 9 months, f*ck, I should weigh what I weighed when I got pregnant by now”
“It is not fair that other women can just ‘bounce back’ so quickly, ugggghh”
“This is weight loss is not fast enough”
“When I get to my goal weight THEN everything will be perfect and THEN I can relax and THEN I can love my body.”
“I do not weigh what I weighed when I got pregnant, what the eff is wrong with me?”
“I am so fat”
“I better eat less and work out more and definitely cut all the carbs”
“Maybe I should stop breastfeeding so I can just lose this weight already”
**Can you hear yourself in any of the above? So many of us have been there! But here is the mind blowing thing!.... This kind of thinking makes us feel like poo AND doesn’t actually get us to our goal permanently.
Read on to borrow some thoughts from that will make you feel so much better AND help you move towards your goal. I know it may seem backwards. But this is the way.
Category 2: CURRENT ME, who conditions her brain on purpose:
“9 months in + 9 months out is just another bs lie our culture offered that I used to believe”
“It is actually 9 months in + we aren’t counting”
“I should weigh exactly what I weigh.”
“I literally LOVE my body and I think it is soooo beautiful, I really do.” (side note: it is so fun to share this truth with you because I really never thought this was possible)
“I lose weight in the perfect amount of time”
“I am perfect just the way I am”
“I have all the time in the world”
“I am so content and relaxed and in flow NOW, how is that true Laura, Laura can you prove that to yourself now?”
“I could totally stop breastfeeding if I want to, but I don’t want to, I love breastfeeding my baby.”
“Let’s just take some deep breaths and keep eating healthy.”
Which sentence do you want to pre-program your brain with? OR do you have your own you can share?
Reprogramming the brain is how I teach my clients (and YOU) to lose weight for the last time. Do you want to lose weight for the last time? Book your free consult here. We will talk about how to do exactly this. You’ll be a reprogrammed rebecca in no time AND begin to EFFORTLESSLY lose weight. This is what you have been missing if you have been struggling to lose weight and keep it off.