Shower Thoughts
The other day I got out of the shower.
I was toweling off as I was bending over (no this is not going somewhere creepy).
I noticed my belly.
I noticed it’s shape and size.
Then I noticed how I didn’t say anything negative at all, in any way, about said belly.
It was just there.
Then I just kept toweling off.
I just kept doing my day.
So weird.
So awesome.
I didn’t go down the rabbit hole about how I shouldn’t have eaten that thing and about how I am going to be extra strict this week and about how maybe I should even cancel those happy hour plans.
I think I just like put on lotion and brushed my hair.
If you are like me and you have beat yourself up on repeat for decades you know what a big deal this is.
If you are in the .00001% of women who never had any body issues you are probably just super bored by this particular blog.
But this wasn’t an accident.
This was a daily practice of retraining my brain to believe what I wanted to believe about my body. It was effortful and purposeful.
But now I get to (for the most part) go unconscious and just automatically think neutral and positive thoughts about my body.
I used to be unconscious and just automatically think negative thoughts and feel like crap.
It is so much better this way.