confused on what to do?
Honey BABY BABY!!!
There is just plain TOO MUCH information out there on what to eat, what not to eat, how much protein, what supplements to take, when to work out, when not to work out and on and on and on.
It is SO confusing.
And when you are confused you don't lose weight for the last time.
Which is a problem if that is what you want.
BUT, confusion can also be very convenient because then you don't have to take (potentially) uncomfortable action towards your goal. (news flash: we are already uncomfy NOT losing weight)
Confusion leaves us yo-yo-ing and constantly changing and tweaking this diet and that cleanse and then throwing in the towel, eating too many cupcakes.
I know, I know, I don't have to tell you.
Plain and simple confusion keeps us stuck. (Also - confusion is totally normal and there is nothing wrong with you if you have been confused!!! The diet industry is designed to keep us confused to keep us buying.)
But let's stop you from wasting your time and from getting what it is you really want.
The antidote to confusion is picking JUST One Thing and then doing IT for a whole year.
If your One Thing is to lose weight for the last time, pick it.
From there all you have to do is follow one method. ONE.
Pick the Yummy Mummy Method or pick another method. But pick just one. Pick now. Choose to not be confused.
I recommend the YM Method ;).
It works.
It is what has worked for me and the hundreds of other, previously, very confused mamas.
I made you a FREE masterclass so you can lose weight for the last time without confusion.
It is called The 5 Things Keeping You From Your Dream Weight:
the ah-hahs you have been desperately waiting for!
Thursday, March 30th at 10:30am PT, 11:30am MT, 12:30pm CT, 1:30pm ET.
Sign up by clicking here now.
This is your answer.
This is brand new and unique information you have not heard ever before.
I guarantee it.
And don’t forget to bring your bestie. We all know we do better when we have a bestie by our sides. Simply forward this email to her and let’s f*cking go.
Have the Best Day Ever,