

I’m just gonna come out and say it.

It’s just more fun to "winter" when you weigh want you want.

Sledding, ski panting, ice skating, chairlifting and shleping the bajillion snow items around the land when you’re at your natural weight is just easier and more fun.

One of my wishes for all the moms is that not only we weigh what we want but WE are the ones suggesting all the winter fun…

Instead of…

Our kids suggesting the snowman making or sledding or skiing and then we say yes but only because we feel like we have to not because we want to. And then we are just waiting for said wintering to be over.

Orrrrr even worse, we say no and make up some lame excuse and feel guilty later.

Our weight can’t wait. Our weight is in the way of our whole damn lives. Let’s end it and be done once and for all. Let's stop dreading our lives and live them, fully, all out, making snow angels in the back yard.

If you feel like your weight is a problem for you, I want to be sure you know that your weight is not your fault. BUT it is something you can take ownership over and change -- permanently.

It is your turn. You get to have this too, promise. Now is the time.

Get on the list now to enroll when doors open for the YMX at the end of March. If you’re on the list you’ll have first access to apply and you will get a special bonus. Click here now to get on the list!

Have the Best Week Ever!



What my 5 yo has to say about food and bodies...


Happy New Year!