What my 5 yo has to say about food and bodies...

Hey Hottie McHottie!!

We can learn A LOT about how to have a thriving relationship with food and our bodies from our kiddos.

Luna, my 5 yo daughter, is such a great example of that...

Me: Luna, what is food for?
Luna: to keep your body strong and healthy. (wait so you mean, it is not for fun or stress relief or connection!?!?)

Me: do you love your body?
Luna: Yes. Because you get to run and play. (aren't bodies actually so freaking cool!?!)

Me: should you eat food when you are mad and frustrated?
Luna: no, you should calm down (great plan!)

Me: What is the best way to celebrate?
Luna: Have fun. By playing and doing games. (this was so cool to see in action at her classroom Valentine's party yesterday - there was no food at the party. The kids didn't notice AND they had a BLAST!!! literally mind blowing)

Me: What should we do when our body tells us we have had enough food?
Luna: Stop and then go play or go outside or just sit there at the table. (apparently it is possible to just sit at the table and not continue to eat!!)

Me: Should you eat if you are not hungry?
Luna: No you shouldn't. (seems like a no brainer but we forget this one!)

Me: What do you think when you look in the mirror?
Luna: I love myself. (holding on to every ounce of hope that I can help her preserve this love!)

This whole weight loss for the last time thing is a HOMECOMING. It is a REMEMBERING of who we are and who we have always been. It is an UNDOING, it is most def a DE-CONDITIONING. It is really just being 5 years old again.

That is the Yummy Mummy in a nut shell: be 5 years old again: have fun, love your body, be yourself unabashedly and subsequently weigh your natural weight.

If you want help in coming home to your 5 yo best self (can't you just see her.... free and proud and happy!??!) and weighing your dream come true weight once and for all get your cute booty on the waitlist for The Yummy Mummy Experience NOW!

Applications open at the end of March and we start in April! The Yummy Mummy Experience is 6 months of coaching, coursework and community that guarantees you lose weight for the last time.

These questions might be fun for you to ask your kiddos too! I would love to hear what they have to say!

Have the Best Day Ever,



WHY it is not working + a RETREAT....!!!!

