From Uncomfortable to Unstoppable: Two Yum Mums Tell All!

Having fun while losing weight for the last time sounds wayyy too good to be true, right?! 

But it’s so not! 

And if you still don’t believe that YOU could be the one rocking the sexy black romper at Christmas, I want to share how two of my amazing clients, Jaime and Jenna, both overcame their fears and doubts to achieve INCREDIBLE results.

And I’m not just talking about weight loss - that’s really just been a byproduct of their success.

So today I’m sharing what their life was like before the Yummy Mummy Experience, what it’s like now, and how they got themselves over the hurdle to sign up. 

But first, I want to start off by asking:

Why coaching?

You might be wondering what makes coaching so different to any other diet. The key difference is that coaching makes weight loss sustainable

With a coach, you can start to identify why you're eating when you’re not physically hungry. And once you get to the root cause, we can solve for that. 


Food is really just a symptom. The Yummy Mummy Experience is not just about weight loss, it's about your thoughts and connecting to yourself and noticing when you're numbing your emotions through food. Coaching allows you to catch yourself in those habitual moments and make a more informed choice, even if that does mean you still end up eating the cupcake!

Coaching offers a more holistic approach to help you with the thought work, and the amazing byproduct of that is weight loss.

What was life like before the Yummy Mummy Experience?

Jenna: I struggled with my weight off and on from my mid twenties until finding the Yummy Mummy Experience, so that's around 20 years. I did all kinds of programs, like many of us do. I did the Weight Watchers, the colored containers, I did keto, I was counting, I was weighing, I was tracking. And then when I gained some weight in Covid and then kept gaining weight, I thought, ‘maybe I just need to accept it?’ but I couldn't. 

I didn't wanna get out of bed in the morning. I definitely didn't wanna get dressed in the morning. If my husband wanted to go do something, I didn't want to do it. I just didn't really want to present myself to the world.  

Was the cost a barrier?

Jaime: Once you get in this container, there's no better way to spend money in my opinion. It gives you such amazing accountability because you've put $5,000 on something and it's so important to have that little bit of pressure to make sure you turn up and you have accountability.


There's a level of courage that you need to have and it doesn't feel good in your body to feel courageous. But there's transformation in that itself because you're saying to yourself in the world ‘I am worth it and I am important.’

Jenna: I knew if I didn’t spend the money I would feel safe and secure, but I wanted something else more. I wanted myself back, I wanted my body back, I wanted it all back. And when I thought about if I would buy my future self off the shelf, with total food freedom, I would. So I had to be willing to feel a little unsafe in making the purchase.

What would you say to someone on the fence about signing up?

Jaime: Close your eyes, imagine yourself at the end of the year, you weigh what you want to weigh, and know that it's going to take this kind of courage to do that.  

Jenna: You can't imagine you'll lose the weight. But you will. And right now you probably think that's the thing that you want the most but feeling like yourself in your body is so much more valuable. Everyone has a way that they feel the most comfortable as themself and for me, this is it. It wasn't that I didn't love myself before, it's just that I didn't recognize myself, so it was really uncomfortable. I'm a licensed therapist and I've learned things in this program that I use in therapy. The tools are invaluable, and I can tell they're science-based. It's just so much fun. You're going to get everything that you want and so much more.  

Where do you think you would be if you hadn’t signed up to the Yummy Mummy Experience?

Jaime: I would probably be 15 to 20 pounds heavier, still working at Disney, and not following my absolute dream and calling. It's changed my life. I think I would have a different relationship with food, my kids would have a different relationship with food, and I wouldn't have this unshakable belief in myself. 


So angel dollface, am I going to see you on the inside?

Join the Yummy Mummy Experience here now. It’s my 6 month group coaching and course that guarantees you lose weight for the last time. I guarantee it because it works. Plain and simple. This is new and this is different. Say goodbye to meal prep, deprivation, and excessive exercise. Say hello to feeling at home in your body.

Are you coming? Click here now!

Have the best week ever,



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