Do you want to be right or do you want to be skinny?

If you want to be skinny..... (yum mum definition: skin·ny/ˈskinē/ adjective : to weigh what one wants to weight; free) are going to have to be wrong about a few things.

Things you are going to have to be WILLING to be wrong about:

  • that you have to work out to lose weight

  • that you have to count some bullshit that starts with an M ends with an S to lose weight

  • that you have to give up alcohol

  • that you have to give up chocolate

  • that you need a certain amount of protein in order to lose weight

  • that weight loss has to be hard

  • that you have to give up your social life in order to lose weight

  • that you have to deprive yourself to lose weight

  • that your sweet tooth is just a part of your identity

  • that you are broken inside

  • that your hormones are blocking you

  • that you are really a special unicorn

  • that you just aren't "strong", there is no way you could say no to _______________.

  • that you aren't worth spending money on

  • that people won't love you if you change

  • that people won't love you if you say no thank you

  • that investing in yourself is selfish

Here is some crazy shit: we as humans hate being wrong.

Our lower brains think: being right = safety and being wrong = a threat; death.

We will desperately prove ourselves to be right even when it keeps us stuck and weighing what we DON'T want to.

We will defend our self sabotaging beliefs to the end.

So many of us are over here being right to the detriment of our future selves.

So let's just try being wrong for fun. If you decide you hate being wrong and skinny you can always go back to your old ways.

What if you are wrong.? What if that is the best news ever? What if you really can see it a new way?

So pick from the list above. What are you willing to be wrong about?

Your choice.... right and miserable OR wrong and skinny.

Weight loss can be easy, fun and completely doable.

Have the Best Day Ever,


PS if you want to be wrong and skinny get on the Yummy Mummy Experience WAITLIST by clicking here now. The Yummy Mummy Experience is 6 months of group coaching + coursework that guarantees you lose weight for the last time. You can get on the list and learn more here.

Doors open in January with a pop up present + pre enrollment in December for those on the waitlist. You are going to want to snag your spot.

We start in January and we Lose Weight for the Last Damn Time. Are you going to be one of the many moms that we free from the cages of diet culture and the shackles of shame in the yum mum movement or what!?!?! LFG!


To Do vs To Choose

